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Our Member Stories

September 2021

Reia – Help in a Crisis

“I’d been having a sickle cell crisis for over 2 weeks but was managing it at home. As the pain grew more intense I was taking my morphine doses closer each time. I knew I had an infection that was triggering it, but the morphine masked how bad the pain really was.

I take my heart rate with my watch whenever I have a crisis, this time it gave an abnormal reading. I then checked my oxygen level: it read under 90.

I called an ambulance right away. No hesitation.

The paramedics were extremely impressed; constant use of morphine can cause respiratory failure and I was at high risk of this. If I didn’t have my watch from Sanius to do my vitals I may have been in a much worse way.”

Reia’s experience of life with Sickle Cell is as unique as she is, but struggling in a crisis is something everyone with SCD is familiar with.

Thanks to her watch she was able to catch these abnormal readings herself and seek support quickly. ScanWatches are provided free of charge to Sanius users, empowering you to monitor and own your own health.


Peter – Seeing the patterns

“Sanius Health liaises with medical professionals and gives greater insight into how we as Sickle Cell warriors could be treated more effectively and more efficiently. That’s their primary focus and they’re doing a fantastic job.

They have an app and one of the key things for me is that I can log in daily and record my pain scores. I log how I’m feeling mentally and physically and log my abilities for the day: was I able to get dressed myself? Was I able to feed myself?

I can record an overall view of how my day has been and that’s fantastic because it allows me to step back, review the information, and see the patterns. I can see where I may need to make adjustments, if possible, or see when maybe it’s time to go in for some medical help.”

“I can look at the information, I can analyse it better, I can gain a greater understanding of where I stand for any given period of time.”
Monitoring his oxygen levels from home means Peter gets alerts as soon as his oxygen levels are unusually low, and his ScanWatch has even detected potential arterial fibrillation:

“The app sent me a message the other day to say it had noticed something irregular in my heart and I might need to get it checked.”

He’s felt the smaller daily benefits too, like tracking and improving his sleep and even monitoring disturbances. “All of those things have a major impact on how I’m feeling the next day – especially with this condition.”

Siobhan – understanding the details

“I’m currently learning to use my Sanius health device to track my condition, which can be affected by multiple factors. This has been made easier with the help of the Sanius team.

Being able to understand my condition at a detailed level and having more information about services that can support me has been really helpful.

I am really looking forward to gaining access to new services including psychological wellbeing support, out of hours GP consultations and many more.

I’m also looking forward to Sanius’ upcoming community events.”







The patient experience shared.

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